Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Power of a mentor for Christian Innovation

A mentor is a caring friend, a wise advisor, a partner on a journey and a trusted friend. Mentoring the next generation is the only way to make this world a better place. For creative innovation we need to deal with the gap between idea and innovation. Many universities and start-ups have developed programs to create a platform for better thinking and for better world. A journey to become a successful innovator is not always developing a profitable business but learning one receive during that journey. It is like saying success is not a destination but a journey. There is a tremendous disconnection or gap between where the current world is and where the church with its mission strategies.  Here arise the need for innovative christian ideas and mission strategies. In other words it is important to use innovation to fulfill the great commission.  
Mentoring is the human blue print for learning, growth and success. Traditionally we understand this as an older person mentoring the younger person like teacher and student, but that is a myth because there is no age, gender or racial barriers for a healthy mentoring relationship. It is a mutually beneficial relationship. I worked on different research projects under different research guides and some of my experiences in working with my research guides can be understood as a mentee and mentor relationship. It created a mutual learning experience for both the researcher and the guide.
We are some total of the bad or good influences or choices we have made in life. Be a mentor of someone or be humble enough to accept some ones mentorship in your life is one of the keys for success. When we try to seek the inner you, be humble enough to know that you are not better than anyone but be wise enough to know that you are different from the rest of the world. We make a living by what we get while we make a life by what we give. Benjamin Disraeli once said; the greatest good you can do for another person is not just to share your riches with another person but, to reveal to them their own.
The greatest knowledge in this world is the self-awareness.  Psychology and psychotherapy is based on this fundamental principle that you will never be the same if you know. If you don’t know what you don’t know, you can’t expand your thinking, which will result in your action. I realize my leadership ability or started calling me as a leader when I realize that my actions are inspiring others to dream more, do more and become more. A mentor is a person who empowers you to see the possible future.
Having a mentor in life gives many advantages such as covering your blind spots, develop a relationship where you will be accountable and give you insights about your hidden potentials in life. Mentors will be the one who believes in you, be a constant encourager and be a shoulder to lean on during a crisis movement. A mentor can help you develop your skills and by then you can increase your efficiency.  

The greatest mentor ever seen this world is found in the person Jesus Christ.  He became friend with 12 ordinary people and mentored them for three and half years and the rest is history of the church. Mentors help us to thrive and flourish. They see things we don’t see in ourselves. Growth take place when we think, act and willing to feel different. Recently I have come to know about an organization called "Change Action to Change Habits".  I will expand that saying Change Thinking, Change Feeling, Change Action and Change Habits. This is the journey for success.

The word mentor can be defined as a “wise trusted teacher”. Bible is full of examples about models of mentoring. Jethro mentored Moses, Moses mentored Joshua, Eli mentored Samuel, Samuel mentored David, Elijah mentored Elisha, Mordecai mentored Esther, Paul mentored Titus and Timothy and finally Jesus mentored twelve of the apostles.  Proverbs says 27:17 as iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. Richard Tyre said; mentoring is a brain to pick, a shoulder to cry on, and a kick in the pants. Mentoring is a holy and sacred relationship through which a person empowers another person and mutually shares the resources. Develop a passion by helping the churches become a training ground for building disciples of Christ through mentoring relationships. 

Please give me your comments and response. 
2015 (C) Binu Peniel


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